Why is Engage Support starting to go Glacial Augment?

Glacial Augment has proved to be a strong rune for strong CC supports

If you play in Support, you’re no stranger to Aftershock on champions like Nautilus, Leona, Thresh,…  This rune has proved to be suitable for tanky support when they could simply activate it with one CC ability. However, with the Glacial Augment being modified in the preseason 2022, this rune is being rattled dramatically.

Not long ago, even during the Demacia Cup 2021 tournament that has just concluded, Glacial Augment is significantly more popular than Aftershock. It is no longer uncommon for both support players to use this rune on Thresh, Leona, and Nautilus. 

Both of the support goes with the new Glacial

Glacial Augment now reduces enemies’ damage

The first reason for this is because the Aftershock’s effect has been substantially reduced in recent years. The defensive stats that the rune brought at the start of the game were nerfed after a big adjustment in preseason 2020. Then, it has become necessary for the champion to build armor and magic resistance so that the rune can be effective.

Aftershock was modified to get you to build tank items

Despite the fact that it has weakened over time, players continue to use Aftershock since it is the only rune fit for Engage Support. As a result, Aftershock was then replaced by Glacial Augment as soon as the rune was reworked. This reworked rune may not have the defensive stats such as Aftershock, but it does have amazing adaptability and its assistance is incredibly effective for allies in dominating the opponent.

Basically, Glacial Augment will generate a massive slowing zone after you CC the target. This makes it much simpler to catch the opponent or even lowering their damage. 

Image via Riot Games

In terms of versatility, Glacial Augment outperformed Aftershocks. When using the rune, you may lose certain defensive stats but gain the ability to manipulate better in both laning phase and team fights.

In short, this rune has become popular among supports, and it will continue to grow to fit in the meta of the upcoming season 12.