Why has Wit’s End becomes Marksmen’s favorite item?

Wit’s End has recently become a favorite item for ADC champions, even though it is classified for Bruiser champions.

After the entire item overhaul in the 2021 pre-season, the item that carries Magic Resistance that benefits Bruisers is mostly Spirit Visage, the rest have an extremely … unclear update. One specific case is Wit’s End, which was once used by Bruisers, now, it is becoming a core item in most ADC’s build path.

Right from the designing stage, the item is for Bruisers in League of Legends (Skirmisher/Duelist branch) that grants attack speed on bonus Magic Damage on basic attacks. It is easy to see that this type of item is usually suitable for champions that rely on basic-attack: Irelia, Jax, Fiora… rather than Juggernaut champions like Darius or Renekton…

Wit’s End has become a core item for most Marksmen

Bruisers are a little bit picky, but marksmen champions that can deal crazy damage on basic-attack like Kog’Maw, Kai’Sa or Ashe tend to purchase Wit’s End after completing their Mythic Item: Immortal Shieldbow.

The Immortal Shieldbow and Wit’s End duo is probably the reason that makes the item so popular now. The combination of these 2 items can make Marksmen extremely difficult to kill, in addition, the amount of movement speed and extra damage put out to kite are extremely broken.

Till now, Riot Games has yet to make a distinction in champion strength while using this item between melee and ranged champions. As a result, when compared to Bruisers, most ADCs will have a bigger advantage when using Wit’s End.