Yasuo and Yone have the highest AFK rate of all League champions

Yasuo has linked with toxic players in League of Legends since his debut in 2013. And there are now statistics to back up those statements

According to statistics from League of Graphs, Yasuo and his brother Yone have the greatest AFK rate of any champion mains in the game.

Yasuo mains are at the top of the list, with a 1.14% AFK rate averaged across all regions, followed by Yone mains at 1.01%.

However, there are a few variances in the list according to the area. On the Europe West server, for example, Yone has a 0.85% AFK rate, which puts him ahead of Yasuo. However, in NA, the 2 champions barely make it into the top five, with champions such as Xin Zhao, Irelia, and Jax ahead of them.

Image via Riot Games

Yasuo and Yone, League of Legends’ half-brothers, rarely make it past the champion select screen. But when they do, they leave an indelible mark on the game. The two brothers, in the perspective of the League of Legends community, are among the “most broken” champions in the game.

Yasuo, as one of the most-played champions in the game, has swiftly risen to become one of the game’s most frightening champions, but for the wrong reasons. People are frequently afraid that if they see such players, they will not be as excellent as they claim.

Instead, players are feared of his inting and AFK behavior, as supposed to many Yasuo players. Yone also falls into the same situation, but not as critical as his brother.

Image via Riot Games

The 2 brothers are difficult champions to learn and master since they have rather challenging skill sets to develop. With an all-in playstyle and a lack of escape capabilities, the two champions may quickly feed multiple of kills if their abilities are used carelessly.

Yasuo and Yone must also take advantages in lane in order to fully snowball their way into the late game, or else they will have little to no influence on the subsequent teamfights compared to other selections.