Riot Games implies that Yone will be the next champion – Yone Champion

So with the bear god Volibear so close, we will be able to focus on the two new champions in this year – Yone Champion

Yone Champion

Riot Games has previously revealed some of the details and images of these champions in the Champions in Season 2020 | Dev Video – League of Legends earlier this year:

Yone Champion

The most striking feature about the new champions is that we see a striking red sword and surrounded by a series of swords stuck to the ground, a part of the culture of the Ionian swordsman.

Yone Champion

And this sword is somewhat similar to Yasuo’s often used weapon. Combining the data given, many gamers have immediately speculated whether the new champion will be Yone – the brother of Yasuo killed on his way to escape.

Yone Champion

But that speculation is further reinforced when some gamers recently discovered something quite interesting when using Nightbringer Yasuo. Accordingly, when the player reaches level 6 and is defeated, the sword of this skin will turn bright red like the image of a new champion.

Yone Champion

This has never before made the user believe that this is an easter eggs that Riot Games tried to put into the game to signal that Yone is about to officially debut in League of Legends.

Gamer discovered Animation of Volibear rework

Recently, Riot Games has been gradually bringing minor but influential characters in the story of the champions that have debuted, so that they can appear in League of Legends. Typically Kai’Sa – daughter of Kassadin, or in the past is Senna – Lucian’s seemingly dead wife.

So it’s not too far for Yone to re-export when in a magical world full of magic, anything can happen. Let’s wait for the official information about this champion in the near future.

Information From: Youtube