Players are outraged as Zeri – Yuumi duo is recking Solo Queue and Pro Play Meta

With the LPL in full swing, League of Legends fans have received a glimpse of what the meta looks like, with a lot of Yuumi/Zeri lanes.

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Yuumi has been a nightmare to balance ever since she was selected for the pro play meta. Fortunately, her midscope update arrived just in time for her to be disabled during MSI. Nonetheless, the mid-scope update maintained the key source of contention in the form of her ability to bond to teammates and become untargetable.

Furthermore, Yuumi’s E being transformed to a shield has only aided Zeri because her passive is dependent on getting shields. Now, the new duo are glued together just like the previous Lucian – Nami duo.

League of Legends Zeri – Yuumi bot lane duo

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While the LPL is the only significant area that has begun pro play, they are a good signal of what other regions will do. Bot lane has dominated the meta for a very long time. It is quite usual for teams to prioritise their ADC and support duo in the first pick rotation.

Zeri/Yuumi, like Lucian/Nami before them, has established as a must-have pairing. To make matters worse, Aphelios/Lulu frequently acts as the secondary option, making the meta even more obvious.

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The fact that Trinity Force has received some buffs also contributes to Zeri’s bruiser build regaining popularity. In the late game, Zeri’s potent kit of just going in and destroying your opponents with bruiser items isn’t satisfying, and her stat conversion needs to be changed.

Several comments on the Reddit thread advocated for Zeri nerfs or a changed ban mechanism that allows stale champions like her and Yuumi to be banned more frequently, bringing some variation to the meta.

When Yuumi’s revamp was first released, League of Legends players panned it. If her appearance in the LPL is any indication, her failure has spread to pro play now that everyone’s least favourite cat has returned.