Zeri’s bug that allows her to one-shot Inhibitors and Nexus

Zeri, who was first released on January 7, has become a big subject in the League of Legends community due to her rapid play and frequent movement in the ADC position

Image via Riot Games

Furthermore, her Q – Burst Fire when the attack is normally counted as skill and while launching it, it is counted as an auto-attack. There are several ways to build this character from there. Vandiril recently discovered Zeri’s newest bug when she was able to “one-shot” both the Nexus and the inhibitor in a blink of an eye when building full AP.

It’s worth noting that Riot Games is aware of this bug (and many more). However, Riot August, has stated that he plans to keep the bug as a special feature for Zeri. Riot August even admitted that he knows how to fix all seven rounds of ammo bolstered but had yet to do so.

To understand the above errors, keep in mind that when her Q is fired, Zeri will fire 7 rounds, which will count as 7 individual attacks. With complete AP build around her kit and most importantly, Lich Bane, this item boosted all seven attacks, while in fact, just the first volley counted. As a result, in the video above, a single release of Q may deal over 3000 magic damage to the opposing inhibitors and the Nexus.

It’s important to note that the above “feature” has only been tested on buildings like the inhibitors and the Nexus. If Zeri can deal 3000 magic damage to a champion with just one skill, this champion will undoubtedly become incredibly dominating in the future.

Hopefully, Riot will thoroughly analyze and remove Zeri’s slightly absurd interaction before releasing her in the future in patch 12.2.