Worlds 2020: DAMWON Gaming Are Narrowing Down Which Champions Will Receive Their Glorious Team Skin

With the World Championship Title, let’s see how DAMWON Gaming chooses their skins.

In the interview with DAMWON Gaming, all players in the team have sort of lock down their decision on which champions will receive their skin.

Nuguri: Kennen

Before the Finals, Nuguri had an interview with Travis Gafford and he said that if his team managed to win the Finals, he might pick Kennen. The interesting fact is that Nuguri’s name in Korean is actually raccoon, so the decision that he made was kind of reasonable. The way Nuguri and DAMWON Gaming shines in Match 3 with Kennen in his hand also proved that he is currently arguably the best Kennen player in the world.

DWG Nuguri: “So, if I think about that it’s kind of a dilemma. You know, we have to win in order to even think about that. So I haven’t really thought deep into it but I’ve thought about it just a little bit. Since my name is Nuguri which means Racoon, I’ve kind of imagined it would be cute to have Kennen as my pick. Which I’m a little embarrassed about but overall, this year, I don’t think I have a signature champion for myself. So, for now, I’m more drawn to Kennen. I might change my mind then and there if we get to that point. But for now, I would say I would pick Kennen.”

Although the community is all hoping he would pick Ornn as his Team Skin because it has been so long since Ornn received his own skin but well… it’s Nuguri choice in the end and we respect it.

Canyon: Nidalee or Graves

Canyon expressed that he extremely loves Nidalee, however, the problem is this champion received way too many bans in Worlds 2020 tournament and Canyon didn’t have much chance to perform. Meanwhile, Graves is the top-pick choice for Canyon in this tournament, with 11 times picked, the chance is high the Canyon will pick Graves. Also, with such an outstanding performance, he is the MVP of the Finals and brings DAMWON Gaming the championship title.

ShowMaker: Twisted Fate

ShowMaker has a really wide champion pool in this year Worlds 2020. Almost every champion that he played, he always maximized their capability. In the end, Twisted Fate was the choice that Showmaker made. Maybe he wanted to create a couple with Canyon because TF and Graves in League of Legends’ lore used to be great friends.

Ghost: Ashe, Jhin, or Caitlyn

In DAMWON Gaming, Ghost is the most “confusing” member when thinking about which champion he will choose. He did point out 3 options included: Ashe, Jhin, and Caitlyn. The top 3 Marksmen that he mostly used in Worlds 2020. On the other hand, Jhin had received a skin representing SKT back in 2016, so maybe Ghost would be considering between Cait and Ashe.

Not to mention in the after-match interview, Ghost also said he loved his girlfriend at the end of the show, how sweet was that.

Beryl: Leona or Pantheon

Beryl is graded to be the best Pantheon player in the world, with his excellent performance with The Unbreakable Spear in Match 4 of the Finals was really the key to victory for DAMWON Gaming against Suning.

However, Beryl is worrying that in the future or in the next season 2021 Riot will make some adjustments to this champion making him unable to play as a Support anymore (Pantheon is designed to become a bruiser or a jungler, not a… Support as planned). Therefore, he is thinking about Leona, which is obviously a traditional support champion and also guarantees that he will able to use Leona and his DAMWON Gaming skin in the future.