How to use Anathema’s Chains effectively?

Anathema’s Chains are one of two brand-new items introduced by Riot in the recent patch 11.13 update. And for the first time, Riot given to us a very unique ability of reducing the opponent’s tenacity. Anathema’s Chains is a potential item for all champions to help their teammates, whether in the front lines or supporting, for a relatively low cost of only 2500 gold.

Anathema’s Chains:

In other words, the item gives you a lot of health and ability haste, and you can choose any of the enemy to designate its passive skill if you are anywhere near them. However, in addition to the low price, the plus index of this item is not very notable due to the lack of armor and magic resistance, implying that you will not be more tanky.

Keep in mind, what makes this item stand out is the tenacity reduction. The inn of Anathema’s Chains causes the specific enemy to suffer 20% tenacity reduction when near you. This implies that if you are near the opponent throughout the fight, all of your teammates’ CC on that enemy will linger an additional 20% longer. A Mercury’s Treads only provides 30%, but the item reduces this amount by up to 2/3 of the boots.

When to build Anathema’s Chains?

Anathema’s Chains is the item that offer the second highest amount of HP, behind only Warmog’s. even if there’s no additional stats, this item still promotes 89% of its gold value and when enough 30 full stack and you are near that person, the capacity of the item gains up to 117% of the gold spent.

Champions whose role as a tank, whether support or Top lane can buy this item. This item will be useful for champions that need to rush into combat and have a lot of CC abilities, such as Nautilus, Leona,Alistar, etc. Everything would be much better if these champions go with ADC also had CC moves like Varus, Jinx, or Ashe.

As for Top laner, depending on the circumstances, determine whether to purchase this item with the following caveats:

If you are up against difficult match-up like Darius, Sett or any bruisers, consider buying the item as soon as you can. 30% damage reduction is a lot and you will be easier to handle in land. Reduced tenacity will also make the situations out gank of jungler more dangerous than multiple parts.

Or, if you try to win a teamfight or a combat, pay attention to the time to resume the enemy’s to both increases your resistance when rushing at them, and make them more controlled. Or if the enemy team has a fed Mid laner, the 30% damage reduction is extremely large and it is worth bringing to the scales compared to Thornmail or Guardian Angle. The fact that they have reduced tenacity when approaching you also gives you more chances to escape and counterattack.

When to not build Anathema’s Chains?

If you are a fed, damage-dealing pusher, do not buy the item in any circumstances because they won’t gain you any additional damage to bully the opposing lane. You also don’t have combat too much with your teammates when your main objective is to push and make pressure to the enemy.

Champions like Yorick or Nasus, have incredibly annoying slow skill that can be benefit from Anathema’s Chains, but their main prior is to push and solo lane, having that item won’t help them with anything but a waste of gold.

In general, Anathema’s Chains is a strong item, which can take advantage of up to 117% of the gold spent, but it will only bring the greatest effect when you think flexibly and read the situation well to know who to connect with.