League Patch 12.23b: More heavy Nerfs towards Zed, Hecarim, Udyr adjustments, and more

One last last adjustment with patch 12.23b to season 12 just before the start of a new one

Riot Phroxzon, the League balance team’s lead designer, stated Patch 12.23b will be issued on December 14, which is tomorrow, to make up for the significant gap between the year’s last complete patch and the start of the 2023 season.

Without going into specifics, Riot Phroxzon mentioned that some champions are getting the “Riot special”—likely hefty adjustments—but that he and the team feel each of those champions has “viable alternatives that are balanced.”

The preview of changes planned to be released in this update includes some heavy nerfs to champions and items, with just two characters buffing and adjusting: Lux and Udyr.

Here is the list of changes coming to hotfix patch 12.23b

Image via Riot Games

Champion buffs

Champion nerfs

Champion adjustments

System nerfs

Image via Riot Games

This preseason has mostly focused on the jungle, with many of its mechanics being tweaked to make it easier for inexperienced players. However, the role has become immensely stronger in the process, frequently resulting in the junglers dominating the tempo of the game from the start.

As a result, a number of junglers, including Rammus, Mordekaiser, Hecarim, and Lillia, as well as the Mosstomper pet and jungle money, will be nerfed in Patch 12.23b.

Image via Riot Games

Other champions, like as Zed, Nilah, Janna, and Dr. Mundo, have huge benefits from preseason buffs into states that have made them much too powerful. These champions, along with the new Mythic item Jak’sho and Ravenous Hydra are also getting nerfed.

Patch 12.23b, the final League patch of the year, is set to hit live servers on December 14.