League of Legends: Why is Lucian/Nami the best duo in the bot lane?

Literally, one of the best combinations you can have in professional play with Lucian/Nami

None of the bot lane combos in professional League of Legends are as strong as Lucian and Nami. The bot lane pair was first seen in Patch 11.17, when both champions received changes to help them laning together.

Because Lucian had long been established as one of the strongest solo lane picks at that time, Riot had to make significant changes to put him back to the ADC role. That’s when his new Passive effect kicked in.

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This extra factor of his passive, Vigilance, enables Lucian’s next two auto-attacks to deliver bonus damage if an allied champion buffs or heals him. The added damage also extends to turrets. His Ultimate – The Culling – had a 25% more critical chance, making his crit build more viable and transforming him into a real ADC rather than a solo-lane champion.

Nami, the Tidecaller, is the champion who can most frequently activate Lucian’s Vigilance passive because all of her abilities heal and boost allied champions.

Tidecaller’s Blessing (E), Nami’s most direct buff, is the simplest way to optimize the duo combination. The ability forces the buffed champion to deal additional magic damage with their following three attacks, ideally synergizing with Vigilance.

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When Nami enhances Lucian with Tidecaller’s Blessing, the duo do more damage than most other bottom lane pairs in the games. They have an extra aspect of resilience and endurance with the use of Nami’s major source of healing (W), which also procs his Vigilance buff.

So far, these 2 champions have appeared in around 15% of all games throughout the professional scene, and the number still growing.