Who is the “non-traditional” marksman champion coming in season 12?

League of Legends season 12 begins with a flurry of champion announcements and teases

Riot Games, as we all know, held a lengthy livestream on January 7 discussing their plans for 2022. They revealed Zeri, an enchanter Support champion, the new Void Jungle champion, and the first tease of the new marksman champion. As the 161th champion will appear in League, this new ADC champion is described as “non-traditional”. With the description such that, this mystery champion has the potential to completely change the metagame.

League’s non-traditional marksman

There isn’t much information available regarding League of Legends’ new bot lane champion. During the Season 12 premiere livestream, lead champion producer Ryan ‘Reav3’ Mireles presented a brief overview of the company.

It was described as a “very mysterious, non-traditional bot lane champion we’ll be whipping out later this year” by Reav3.

A slew of hands, up to 7, arranged in an elegant spiral in vivid purple hues. This makes picturing an irregular human form difficult. The fact that Runeterra is home to a range of monsters and undiscovered species adds to the mystery around this figure.

Image via Riot Games

One particular creature that the League community notice is one of the Freljord’s Watchers, whose appearance depicts similarly to the teased image. These Watchers have almost the same amount of hands, and even when performing their power, they wrap their hands as shown in the image above.

Image via Riot Games

However, everything relating to their equipment, except the fact that they’ll be non-traditional, which usually suggests they won’t be a marksman, remains uncertain.

The only thing we know about League’s non-traditional bot lane champion is that they’ll be launched in late season 12 in 2022. Given Renata and the Void jungler to come before it, we may not see them until the second half of the season.