League patch 11.22 preview: Hot meta Graves, Yuumi, Qiyana got nerfed, Akali is seeing a buff

After dominating in Worlds, The Magical Cat is finally getting a nerf in patch 11.22

With season 11 about to come to an end, Riot is closing it with some of these last patches of champion balancing tweaks before the 2022 preseason kicks off later this year. The League dev team has provided a preview of patch 11.22 earlier today, which includes adjustments to 11 champions in total.

Patch 11.22 will see nerfs to lots of Worlds meta

Image via Riot Games

Yuumi is one of the most popular champions to get balance changes in Patch 11.22. According to the statistic from Worlds, the Magical Cat has been running rampant at the 2021 League World Championship, with a 96% pick/ban rate throughout the tournament’s main event. So seeing a nerf to this champion is no surprise.

In addition, Qiyana and Graves was also 2 new metas that pro players used recently with Graves top and Qiyana jungle. They too will also receive nerfs, as well as Kha’Zix and Maokai’s support.

Image via Riot games

As for the buffs, skirmisher is what Riot is aiming for. Renekton, Riven, along with Kayn in red form (Rhaast) will receive buffs in patch 11.22. And, skirmisher’s all-time favorite item, Goredrinker will be the only item that gets a buff. Perhaps the nerfs to Goredrinker in Patch 11.21 was too much so they’ve added a tad more power back in.

Kalista and Varus will also receive a buff and, surprisingly, Akali is also receiving some love from Riot.

Akali was once a champion that was impossible to face because of her broken mechanic and insane burst damage (even for tank). Then, she disappeared from the meta after multiple nerfs. Can Akali climb back to the top leaderboard with the upcoming buff?

Akali with under 45% win rate in patch 11.14

Given that the yearly preseason—which will bring a lot of new modifications to the game—begins next month, Patch 11.22 will be one of the final patches of the 2021 ranked season.

The patch will be available on November 3rd, according to the game’s official patch schedule.