Rengar’s win rate surged in the top lane after season 12 changes

Rengar wasn’t such a strong pick in League of Legends for some time, but after the recent mini-rework in patch 12.6, the Pridestalker is becoming a new meta for high elo players

Image via Riot Games

Rengar has been on Riot’s attention for almost a year before his rework was released in LoL patch 12.6. After several changes, each patch presumably fiddling with a new skill before being deleted, a slew of “good adjustments” ultimately went live in patch 12.6.

His overall win rate has increased somewhat, rising from roughly 47 to 48.5%. Given Riot’s initial goal of making Rengar simpler to learn, the buff was undoubtedly a success.

The significant difference, though, is in high elo. He is now considered an S-tier champion in both the jungle and the top lane, according to statistics from Lolalytics. Rengar has an incredible 52.8% win rate in the jungle at Diamond+ and is banned in more than a quarter of League games. The figure is even more surprising in the top lane, given his main position is in the jungle, yet his win rate rises to over 52.86% in the top lane.

Image via Riot Games

The changes were so significant that Riot eventually had to nerf him. In the upcoming patch 12.7, Rengar top is getting a nerf with decreased tower damage on Q, but jungle players may rejoice since he’s getting a buff there with additional monster damage on his W, making his jungle clear even faster.

Riot is also wanting to shake things up with more metas coming in MSI 2022, and perhaps Rengar is one of them. With the tournament fast approaching, Rengar might make his first international League of Legends appearance since Worlds 2020 for his dominance on the leaderboard.

Patch 12.7 will go live on April 13 and players should see the Pridestalker back in the jungle stronger than ever.