Riot is making changes to League “off-meta” jungle pick once again

Riot Games is once again working on a new initiative in the jungle: adding more champions to the roaming role’s meta pick pool to give more “off-role” diversity, similar to what the mid and top lane experiences.

Riot Truexy, who discussed the matter in a TikTok video, highlighted how large the champion pools for solo lanes are. Top lane may feature bruisers, tanks, juggernauts, and even a few engage champions, while mid lane champions include assassins, mages, ADC, bruisers, and many other classes.

As a result, Truexy hopes to increase the diversity of the jungle’s meta pool in the same manner that other roles have.

“We think it’s cool when other champs can jungle,”

“As long as we can support it, there’s no reason jungle cannot be like mid lane, top lane, where’s there’s all these different archetypes,” 

Riot to add more “off-meta” jungle pick in the future

Riot once made the same effort before Worlds 2021, The game’s balance team was attempting to enhance the jungling abilities of some champions, particularly those who hadn’t spent much time in the jungle and had never been in a tournament before.

As a result, various “off-meta” selections like Zed, Qiyana, Talon, and even Morgana and Taliyah emerged as possible junglers at that time.

However, not every champion would be willing to take on the position. Blitzcrank jungle is the most recent modification that Riot made, however, it ended in a bad result. Jungle Camille is another example that just does not fit—when the Steel Shadow became a jungle option, her rapid mobility let her completely control the Rift.

Images via Riot Games

However, there are other options that will suffice. The Riot developers were pleased when Morgana emerged as a strong candidate for the role. Neeko’s position as a niche jungler is just another aspect of what League devs hope to accomplish.

More casters and enchanters, in particular, should be viable in the position, thus players should be prepared for any changes in the future of jungle.