Riot admitted over-buffing Miss Fortune and Lucian, making them dominate Worlds

According to Riot’s own statistics, Lucian and Miss Fortune at Worlds 2021 have an overwhelming picked/banned rate of 84%

Worlds 2021 is gradually coming to an end after more than a month of intense competition when only a few hours before we can determine the winner of Worlds 2021 Final. And Riot Games have uploaded their “Quick Gameplay Thoughts” detailing their accomplishments as well as their mistakes in the Worlds 2021 meta.

Riot’s first accomplishment at Worlds 2021 was that no champion was so OP that it had a 100% pick/ban rate. The only champion that came to this close was Lee Sin with 97% pick/ban rate, despite his nerfs in 11.16 and 11.18.

Image via Riot Games

In terms of meta variety, Riot said that there are 62 champions in general that control at least 5% of the pick/ban rate. Another significant figure is that 92 champions have featured in the pick/ban rate at least once.

They did confess, however, that as Marksmen, they did not do well in meta diversity when Lucian and Miss Fortune dominated fully at Worlds 2021. The reason for this is that in patches 11.16 and 11.18, these two were heavily buffed. As a result, Riot does not know the exact limits of these two champions’ strength and allows them to have greater advantages at Worlds 2021.

Image via Riot Games

The new and additional effects of Lucian’s passive and his W have made him extremely strong when it comes to snowballing. When laning with supports like Nami or Yuumi… Lucian can easily take down any target.

Miss Fortune Quadra kill

As for Miss Fortune, the total damage of her R has increased, accidentally making her suitable for the meta at Worlds. Miss Fortune’s R is currently one of the most popular skills right now because it deals insane damage and makes it easier for teams to contest objectives.

Perhaps these 2 champions may face significant nerfs in terms of their predominance at Worlds.