Shyvana Upcoming Changes in Patch 10.18

On the upcoming patch 10.18, Shyvana is going to receive some noticeable changes to her E.

In addition to all the buffs and nerfs, on patch 10.18, Riot is putting in some major adjustments to Ahri and Kayle. They give Ahri with greater flexibility while also providing Kayle more space and freedom in laning phase. Likewise, on patch 10.18, Riot also gives Tryndamere his long-awaited, better ultimate timer.

Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, League of Legends’ lead gameplay designer, has announced that they are making some small upgrades to Shyvana’s E on patch 10.18, however, that isn’t an instant buff or nerf. According to him, this move is not meant to be directly buff or nerf, but rather a long-term spell/game improvement.

Shyvana changes in patch 10.18

Dragon Form Flame Breath (E):

In patch 10.18, Riot shifts Shyvana’s E AOE from the hitbox boundary champion to the center point check champion. Riot feels this is a much more “consistent form” for AOE spells that they prefer to use. The range for the explosion is now 345 center check with more precise indications. Riot Scruffy also states that this patch 10.18 changes would offer more “clarity and stability” to her E.

League players have totally changed from their typical bruiser build to reach AP build following her adjustments on patch 8.9. Full AP Shyvana build may not be the most broken thing in League of Legends, but mainly because of its ridiculous hitbox it really got a lot of hatred from the community.

Shyvana currently has a 50.15 percent win rate on patch 10.17 with just only have a 3.7 percent pick rate. And there is a possibility with these new changes that she will snap back into the current meta. Patch 10.18 notes are expected to go live on 2 September 2020.