Tahm Kench and Seraphine take over traditional ADC in League Patch 12.12

The bot lane in League of Legends is generally dominated by AD carriers, who are ranged, attack-based champions. However, since Patch 12.12, two odd champions have dominated the position: Tahm Kench and Seraphine

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The bot lane in League of Legends has always been a unique role designed by Riot. Tahm Kench and Seraphine have been steadily topping the ladder over the last several patches, quietly solidifying themselves as two of the strongest bot lane champions.

According to League statistics U.GG, both champions are ranked first and second on the leaderboard. The River King has a staggering win rate of 56.52% at Platinum+. Seraphine also came out strong, with a win rate of 54.59%. Overall, traditional League of Legends marksmen are underrepresented on the leaderboard.

Tahm Kench was reworked last year and has since gotten several buffs to his kit. He most recently received several ability changes in Patch 12.11. Riot nerfed the champion in a June 30 hotfix, yet he remains somewhat a strong champion.

Seraphine is in a similar predicament. She was also targeted for nerfs in the patch, although they had little effect on her win rate. The developers reduced her passive’s AP ratio and the disabled duration on her E.

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In the competitive meta, the champion has also found her way into the bot lane. Although she is not very popular, the marks that Seraphine has left are always considered by teams when making decisions to ban or choose.

For Tahm Kench, the catfish is frequently chosen in the ADC position in professional tournaments. However, consistency is lacking due to The River King’s win rate. The risk is always there when picking him, however, only in the LCK is where the champion can actually shine, with a win rate of 54.5%.

Image via Riot Games

Overall, champion nerfs are unavoidable at this point. Expect updates to the game with Patch 12.13, which is set to go live on July 13.