Tyler1: “New” Gangplank is broken!

Tyler1 was absolutely surprised when his screen turned gray just because of a Powder Keg of “new” Gangplank.

Patch 11.17 is an extremely huge patch with enormous impacts on the playstyles of some champions such as Lucian, Amumu, and Gangplank. About Gangplank, Riot Games decided to decline his safety in laning and increase his E damage – his major power in team fights. However, they apparently went too far when his E damage now can deal an unbelievable amount of damage.

Recently, Tyler1 has been the victim of this broken “new” Gangplank. He had been completely one-shot by a Powder Keg which dealt over 1000 damage! “The Toxic God” then downloaded the replay and observed that moment with the slowest speed to see what actually happened. He also did not forget to blame Riot Games for that frightening amount of damage.

Tyler1: “Look at this Gangplank’s item. He just had 20% Crit from Essence Reaver and he dealt over 1200 damage with an E. Riot????”

According to a lot of studies and research from the community of “Gangplank Main”, Riot has changed the damage-calculating mechanism of his Q in patch 11.17. Specifically, the total Q’s damage previously was Base Damage x Crit Multiplier + AD. But in patch 11.17, Riot changed it into (Base Damage + AD) x Crit Multiplier. This has made crit damage increase sharply and much more fatal than ever before.

Moreover, the above amount of damage also increases by 25% if Gangplank activates his E with a crit Q. In the case of Tyler1, the enemy Gangplank had already had Essence Reaver, and the result was an immediate gray screen for Tyler1, although his level was 12 with 6 takedowns.

We also need to remember that the Gangplank in that match had only 1 crit item – Essence Reaver, but his damage is obviously unbelievable with just 20% Crit! It’s high time Riot brought back the previous formula to balance his power.