Urgot’s Ult can still be activated while in Tahm Kench belly?

Tahm Kench’s latest rework of his 2 abilities Devour and Abyssal Voyage in the “new” skill set was recently noticed quite a lot in League of Legends. However, some of the interactions it currently has with other champions and their abilities are bizarre and a little noticeable.

Recently a viral clip video was posted on Reddit about an “error” occurring between Urgot and Tahm Kench. An Urgot player sought to one-vs-two the opposing team for as long as they could when Urgot decided to use his R on Darius.

However, when Tahm Kench used his new ultimate on Urgot, immediately after the Urgot player triggered the first portion of his ultimate on the Darius, an odd interaction happened.

As players already know by now, Tahm Kench new set of skill:

W – Abyssal Voyage

R – Devourer

When the Kench player decided to eat the Urgot, he probably felt it would inhibit Urgot’s ult and keep Darius from being executed. Urgot’s chains, however, could not be kept back by the River King’s bottomless stomach, instead of tearing out of Tahm Kench’s model and carrying the Darius in for his Ult execution.

This isn’t the only bug with Tahm Kench’s new ultimate. Other videos posted by Vandiril have shown champions like Karthus or Nunu who are not disrupted during their ability cast-time when utilizing their ultimates being able to move around while being consumed by Tahm Kench.

It seems like Riot hasn’t fixed this bug or weird interaction at all. On League’s live servers, players can explore with the somewhat modified Tahm Kench, with numerous additional odd interactions likely still to be found.