Why are players hating on the new Chemtech Drake?

The preseason 2022 began this week, bringing whole significant improvements to the League of Legends experience on Summoner’s Rift. And one adjustment, in particular, has enraged the players.

Image via Riot Games

The new dragons, Hextech and Chemtech, are the most visible modifications. When they take over the Rift, they each have their own set of effects.

While the Hextech drake’s portals and the Hextech soul received the most attention with its unique playstyle and insane damage at first, his brother, the Chemtech drake camouflaging fields have rapidly drawn criticism from players and fans. What exactly is it about this drake that has drawn so much criticism?

Chemtech drake brings unbalance to the game?

Image via Riot Games

When the Chemtech dragon takes control of the rift, it generates two fog zones in the jungle, one in front of each objective. This camouflaging zone is uniquely weird, as players outside of the zone can’t see inside it, but those inside the zone can. In addition, normal wards won’t spot champions inside the chemical zone.

Though Riot’s intention is to generate high-tension times in which entering the dark haze requires good teamwork and combat skill. Instead, it’s transformed these areas of the map into death traps, rendering all of the typical tactics for getting visibility almost ineffective.

Image via Riot Games

Another critique leveled against the drake is that it is only beneficial in certain situations, such as when an opponent has more health than you. When fighting squishier targets, this can lead to situations where tanks who have already been pushed to the side gain no benefit from the Chemtech.

These are several reasons why fans aren’t enjoying their games with the Chemtech dragon, including a highly situational dragon prize and the addition of additional unwelcome camouflage to the game.