Yuumi’s winrates actually went up big after Patch 12.12b nerf, and other impacted champions

Despite receiving a nerf in 12.12b, Yuumi’s winrate actually went up 0.5% in Plat+ brackets. Other champions’ winrates became closer to 50%

A reddit user was curious about the hotfix patch‘s impact on winrates and set out to procure some numbers.

Champ (Role)u,gg wr plat+ (All patch)league of graphs wr plat+ (Last two days)
Seraphine (Supp)51.71%50.6%
Seraphine (Bot)55.3%53.5%
Seraphine (Mid)52.32%50.2%
Katarina (Mid)48.23%50.8%
Shaco (Jg)48.61%50.5%
Caitlyn (Bot)47.9%49.1%
Leona (Supp)47.3%49.0%
Bel’Veth (Jg)51.92%49.9%
Senna (Supp)51.94%50.3%
Tahm Kench (Top)52.32%50.4%
Tahm Kench (Bot)56.96%53.4%
Tahm Kench (Supp)48.48%48.2%
Zeri (Bot)49.93%48.8%
Zeri (Mid)46.59%46%
Wukong (Jg)52.01%50.3%
Yuumi (Supp)50.21%50.7%
Credit to u/Quacking92

The first column represents stats from the entire Patch 12.12 via u.gg

The 2nd is stats from the last 2 days, aka since Patch 12.12b was released via League of Graphs

There might be some margin of error due to the difference in sources and the relatively small sample size, but we’re not here for science, just having a little bit of fun with numbers!

Image via Riot Games

Yuumi was nerfed yet her winrate went up.

It’s clear from the number shift that Riot intend for champions’ winrates to be closer to 50%, which means it’s reasonable to expect Tahm Kench and Seraphine to receive more nerfs in the future as their winrates are still outliers, on their main roles that is.

By far the most interesting stat here though is that Yuumi’s winrate actually went up despite the nerf in Patch 12.12b:


Granted, it was a slight nerf, but her winrate as support rose from 50.21 to 50.7% in Plat+ games, almost 0.5% up.

Now the reason for the winrate change might be due to small sample size (2 days, Plat+), difference in sources (both u.gg and League of Graph still syphon from LoL’s official API), … but an 0.5% increase is massive enough to wonder whether there was another reason.

A lot of other reddit users seem to be of the opinion that the winrate change was due to people griefing less with the champion after the nerf as they simply move on to another. Yuumi has been known to be a popular grief pick due to her being able to attack herself to a teammate!

The most probable reason to me is when a popular champion gets nerfed some people stop picking it just because, and since the nerf is slight enough, people who actually main Yuumi carries the overall winrates.

Image via Riot Games

Closing thoughts

All in all, the hotfix has seemingly achieved Riot’s intent to address outliers of 12.12.

Patch 12.13 is scheduled for July 12. Sivir mid-scope update, Master Yi big buff, Gwen’s massive adjustments are among the highlights.

How has your experience with 12.12b been so far? Let us know in the comments!

Image via Riot Games