League Patch 11.11 Preview: Riot is finally buffing Hecarim, Lee Sin got nerfed

Finally, Hecarim is getting some buff…

Hecarim had been one of the most broken Jungler in patch 11.8 and he was so broken that in patch 11.9, Riot had to nerf almost of his kit and his 2 core items. Eventually, Hecarim hasn’t been seen around very often in both competitive and normal gameplay.

But all of that is about to vanish. Today, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter has released a preview of League of Legends Patch 11.11 that includes buffs and nerfs for items and champions across the roster.

Patch 11.11 Preview

It seems Riot have noticed the struggle Hecarim had endured ever since the Huge nerf in patch 11.9 so they wanted to give him some buff, making him more viable again in patch 11.11.

2 other champions worth mentioning in the Preview is Lee Sin and Rumble.

The Blind Monk Lee Sin has been seen as a very flexible pick lately in both Top lane and Mid lane. Also, at MSI 2021, Lee Sin has to himself a respectively 88.5% pick-ban rate, according to Leaguepedia. It’s likely that Riot will nerf the sustainable and the wave clear potential of this champion so as to lower his laning phase in the upcoming patch 11.11.

Rumble is also on the rise of another OP Jungler. It all started when he was picked in a match in the MSI Tournament as a Jungler and Rumble had been dominating the Rift since then. With the appearance of 28 times at the Event and an 85.2% pick-ban rate, Riot had had an eye on this champ. The team may nerf his clearing time or increase his cooldown on his skill to lower his dominance in the jungle.