How to earn PsyOPS/BRG Summoner Icon Hidden Mission in League of Legends

How to earn PsyOPS/BRG Summoner Icon Hidden Mission

Complete an easy series of misions to earn beatiful PsyOPS and BRG icons.

As Worlds is coming, Riot is quickly releasing more and more interesting content at a really fast pace. We might see Samira, PsyOPS, BRG, and even Seraphine have their debut at Worlds 2020.

What are PsyOPS and BRG?

According to Streamie, a Brazillian streamer who shares high-quality, accurate of what is coming to League of Legends. Look like PsyOPS and BRG will make their way to live server at the same time as the release of Samira. After a while, we can be pretty sure that it’s is real, now, officially, Ezreal has become the champion who has the most skins in League of Legends.

PsyOps is a series of alternate future/universe skins in League of Legends. Set in a military setting, all of the champions are specialized warriors of High Command, trained to battle in different combat scenarios. This team includes Sona, Shen, Master Yi, Ezreal, and Vi.

Black Rose Group (BRG) – there isn’t much information about this skin line universe yet. Maybe BRG will fight against PsyOPS. This team includes Zed, Pyke, Viktor, and Kayle.

How to complete PsyOPS/BRG missions?

Unlike Samira’s emote mission, it is fairly easy because it’s only a hidden mission that starts a mission chain. All you have to do is play a single champion five times.

The real hidden missions

After completing 2 missions we mentioned above, there will 2 more missions added that give players a Hextech Key+Chest combo.

Since you can earn both icons in 1 account, you can earn 2 free League of Legends champion shards, skin shards, emotes, or even rarer prizes. Even though it’s not the prize is not that good, we do appreciate when Riot gives out something more to players.

That’s all we have for now, good luck in Summoner’s Rift.