League of Legends Wild Rift: Users of iOS (iPhone) will be playing Wild Rift before Android?

A lot of information is introduced but all of them come from the revelations of the Brazilian and Chinese communities, and have not been able to guarantee the accuracy and most recently, when looking at the Wild Rift Web site we saw Something special

Before reading on you can find out the information disclosed here

League of Legends Wild Rift: LoL Wild Rift has started advertising, the release date for testing has come very close?

League of Legends Wild Rift: Mobile version of LoL will not have jungle items

League of Legends Wild Rift: The beta version of LoL Wild Rift continues to be tested in Brazil

League of Legends Wild Rift: The mobile version of League of Legends is more beautiful than the original

League of Legends Wild Rift: Continue to leak more interfaces to choose champions, runes reforged, spells, shop items

League of Legends Wild Rift: There will be special champions that only appear on LoL Mobile

League of Legends Wild Rift : OPPO users will be allowed to experience LoL Wild Rift early

League of Legends Wild Rift: List of phones that can play stable LoL Wild Rift

Although it is not known exactly when Wild Rift will be released, but LoL Wild Rift has been one of the most discussed topics, when everyone is curious about what changes the mobile version will change, and most importantly, Does it keep the essence of the PC version?

LoL Esports BR

Admittedly, LoL Wild Rift has garnered a lot of attention. However, the absence of announcements of updates and release date has made the of the fans a bit depressing. But once officially launched, Wild Rift promises to be dangerous opponent to the other MOBA Mobile.

And most recently, when we were stalking Riot Games’ LoL Wild Rift Web site, there was one detail we had to pay attention to. It is in the words “Download on the App Store”, the special thing is there, Google Play only allows pre-registration while in the App Store is the words Download on the App Store?

In addition, the small text below is “Coming soon to the App Store”, is this a special way to reveal that Wild Rift will be experienced soon on iOS and then Android?

Of course they are just our speculation and we have to wait a bit longer to play LoL Wild Rift. But do not worry, Riot Games has been speeding up the launch of the game so soon we will experience Wild Rift.

Riot Games booth front – Image by Riot Games BR
Photo by Rodrigo Faber
Photo by Riot Games BR