DJ Sona Badly Exploit Bug: An Undeniable Proof that Proves League of Legends is a Pay-To-Win Game

DJ Sona, a fabulous, beautiful Ultimate Skin, was founded with a game-breaking bug recently by Vandiril.

Disclaimer: This is a serious bug in-game and we do not recommend any of you try out this one. Similar to game-breaking bugs cause by Ornn‘s global W, Kayn‘s global W, and Poppy‘s 300 kills per game, lots of accounts were banned, if you want to try it out, do it with cautions.

League of Legends belongs to the MOBA genre, and it’s aimed to achieve a fair, competitive eSports environment. To ensure it’s fairness, players are not allowed to cash out money or use any methods to boost their power/strength. Payable items such as skins, icons, emotes, or chromas are only meant to be cosmetics, they do not affect the outcome of a match in any way.

League of Legends is a free game, however, a minority of community still call it pay-to-win sometimes, just like what we wrote about how a few skins really give you some slight advantages. However, despite giving slight advantages, there are no ways those skins are able to affect the match outcomes. Riot has done a great job keeping the game from being affected by money for roughly more than 10 years, but recently, this DJ Sona exploit takes it to a whole new level, making players who use this skin immune to certain types of crowd-control.

Founded by “The God of Bug” Vandiril – he somehow knew if you use the Ultimate Sona Skin – DJ Sona, this skin has a serious, game-breaking bug and gives you huge advantages over your opponents.

Here is what happens if you exploit this bug: You know that DJ Sona players are able to use combination ‘Ctrl + 5’ to cycle through Sona’s styles when toggling it, your Sona will stand still for a short period of time. However, if you manage to time crowd-control skills that are applied to you properly, by pressing this combination, your champion won’t be affected.

According to the video we list above, normally, if Sona or any champions is hit by Ahri’s Charm (E) or get hit by Evelynn after being affected by her W – Allure, they will be taunted and start coming toward them, but with DJ Sona, if you are hit by the Charm and use ‘Ctrl + 5’, instead of moving toward, Sona will stay still. Even though Vandiril only tested out 3 types of crowd-control: Charmed, Taunted, and Feared, we already know it is a tremendous bug.

In conclusion, if you spam this bug correctly, you are going to be taunted by Galio, just simply change music, you are going to be kissed by Ahri or even charmed by Evelynn, just change the music, change the vibe.

Unlike, other skins that slightly improve clarity enhancements or change the skills’ color scheme to blend better into the Summoner’s Rift environment. This bug cause people who cash out for DJ Sona will receive such a huge impact on how the whole team fight outcome will be. Given Sona’s seeing a rise in play thanks to a new bot lane duo with Lux, you might come accross this more regularly in solo queue. Until Riot fixes the glitch, just pray and find another target to disable them. Hopefully, Riot will notice it and quickly patch this bug immediately.

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